Mick’s story

Mick attended Achieving Active Lives, SAMH’s 16-week programme to help men live a more active lifestyle and better manage their mental health. Through his story, Mick highlights the changes in his physical and mental health and wellbeing since joining.

“Before Achieving Active Lives, I wasn’t feeling great at all. I was anxious, depressed, and I just wasn’t in a good place.

“I found out about the programme through the SAMH website. I didn’t know what the programme was about, and I had a fear of the unknown. But I knew if I don’t do it, I wouldn’t get better.

“Since starting the programme, and after being on it for 16 weeks, there has been a definite change in myself. My depression has went away, and I feel I’ve started to achieve more. I’ve been going to the gym, getting out more, and getting more walks in. I’m filling my days.

“Now, I have a routine which I didn’t have before. I’m waking up early, getting outside and getting fresh air into my lungs. I do this near enough every morning.

Talking has been the big thing. I wasn’t talking to people before, because I didn’t know that others were going through [similar experiences]. My mentor has been brilliant.

“Overall it’s been excellent. I’ve got a new way of thinking. Rather than looking for excuses not to do things, I’m thinking ‘aye let’s do that’, or ‘let’s look at that’.

“I’m thinking more positively, not thinking about the negatives.”

Achieving Active Lives supports men based in Glasgow or Dundee and aged 18 and over to live a more active lifestyle. You can sign-up to the programme online.