SAMH comment on the latest suicide statistics  

5th September 2023

New figures published today by the National Records of Scotland show that there were 762 probable suicides in 2022. This is an increase of 1% from 753 in 2021. 

Jo Anderson, Director of Influence & Change at SAMH, said: 

“It is heartbreaking to learn that Scotland lost 762 people to suicide in 2022, nine more than in the previous year. Every death by suicide is a tragedy, and our thoughts are with the families and friends of the people we have lost too soon. 

“Following positive progress in reducing deaths by suicide in Scotland, today’s figures appear to indicate that progress has plateaued. Worryingly, wider pressures mean the number of people experiencing suicidal thoughts could further increase in the coming years – unless we act now. We are hopeful that the new Grampian Suicide Prevention Partnership will be a regional model for this way of working.

“Today’s update underlines how vital it is that we do not become complacent in our suicide prevention work. From the third sector and government, to communities and workplaces, we need to redouble our efforts and work to support people who are at risk of suicide – and we can all help to play our part.  

“Suicide prevention is so important to SAMH. Our recent Ask Them About Suicide campaign received an overwhelming response with its simple yet powerful message. If you’re worried about someone, asking them if they are having thoughts of suicide could give them the permission they need to open up. In fact, it could even save their life.”